Air Purification Matters Everywhere: 3 Benefits of Traveling with An Air Purifier - Buckhead Vacuums

Air Purification Matters Everywhere: 3 Benefits of Traveling with An Air Purifier

Air Purifiers, Fresh Ideas

It’s the time of year when we want to travel. But when you are packing your bags, don’t forget to leave room for your air purifier. Whether you are going to a hotel room, a relative’s home, or a vacation rental, you want to make sure that your family enjoys the same air quality that you benefit from in your own home. If you have a vacation home, having an additional air purifier that stays in the home can also help you open it up for your family or for guests to enjoy.

Here are some of the reasons you should take your air purification with you:

  • Removes bacteria – Cleanliness is one of the biggest concerns when you travel. You want to ensure that you are taking your family into a healthy environment. Air purifiers remove 99% of airborne bacteria. This reduces the spread of disease and ensures that your family is breathing in clean air, which means that you can worry less about bringing back more than a tan from your vacation.
  • Eliminates odors – Every space has a unique smell, but not every space has a pleasant smell. An air purifier can make sure you leave the beach smells at the beach. When you travel, you can make your temporary home smell just as nice as your home.
  • Absorbs allergens – Your allergies don’t take a vacation. In fact, they can get worse if you are in a new environment with new pollens and possibly even mold. An air purifier helps trap particles that can elevate your allergy symptoms, so you can focus on having a good time instead of managing your allergies.

We offer our customers the best air purifiers on the market. Come see everything that we have to offer and start breathing easy today!

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