Home Cleaning Trends to Empower You - Buckhead Vacuums

Home Cleaning Trends to Empower You

Clean Home, Fresh Ideas

Home is so much more than simply a place to land at the end of a long day. It’s the entertainment venue, the office, the gym, and the place we gather with family and friends. To help you keep your home clean and comfortable for all, we’ve put together a list of home cleaning trends that will not only empower you, but might even excite you.

Do Something, Not Everything

The thought of cleaning the house can often feel overwhelming. Thankfully, current cleaning trends have shifted from doing everything all at once to tidying up your space one task at a time. While you may not have time to “clean the house” all at once, a little cleaning here and there goes a long way.

Create a simple daily schedule that suits the lives of you and your family members. Tackle one weekly chore each day and you’ll find your house gets and stays cleaner in less time. For example, clean the bathrooms on Mondays, vacuum on Tuesdays, mop on Wednesdays, etc. This frees up more time for the daily chores like doing the dishes without feeling paralyzed by having to do everything at one time.

Keep Your Home Pet-Friendly

As the popularity of dogs, cats, and other pets has increased, new trends in pet-friendly products have followed suit. There’s a new way of keeping the home clean, and it’s now even easier to keep your beloved fur-babies safe with products that are not dangerous to their well-being or even obnoxious to their keen senses.

Being pet-friendly also means promoting health and safety for humans. Make sure you have a premium vacuum cleaner to collect pet hair and reduce dander and other allergens. A high-quality air purifier is also a must-have.

Clean Sustainably

Increasing awareness of the environment has sparked a renewed interest in sustainable cleaning trends. Recycling cleaning product containers and buying smaller packaged products is the first step. Many household cleaners are now available as refillables or in concentrated forms. Reusable glass or plastic spray bottles are perfect for these products.

Find a trustworthy all-in-one cleaner the next time you shop for supplies. More plant-based, eco-friendly products replace harsh chemical cleaners while still killing germs, keeping your family safe, and making your home feel serene.

Spark Joy as you Clean

Joy and cleaning don’t sound like they should go together. But two recent Harris polls conducted on behalf of Bona indicate a shift in attitudes towards cleaning. Negative emotions are now on the low end of reactions to cleaning while new terms such as “happy,” “productive,” “relieved,” “in control,” and “peaceful” are the top five emotions and feelings associated with tidying up.

Spark your own joy with a clean house. Play some music while you do your chores or make a family game out of certain cleaning tasks. Find a way to bring a positive attitude to the cleaning process. Having a clean home will certainly spark its own positive reaction. Remember that Buckhead Vacuums delivers premium cleaning tools to make these household chores an even more pleasant undertaking.

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